Nearly 20 years of project history
Xcluder® specialise in the design and installation of fences that are both in-situ and scientifically proven to be pest proof: our designs exclude all target pest animals. Over the last decade, our fences have been proven to work effectively in the ‘real world’, over long time periods.
Xcluder® fences have been proven experimentally and/or in the real world to keep out the following animals:
mouse, Indian house shrew, ship rat, Norway rat, kiore, tenrec, mustelids (stoat, ferret, weasel), hedgehog, rabbit, hare, brushtail possum, cat, dog, pig, Indian mongoose, Javan macaque, goat, Mouflon sheep, deer (fallow, rusa, sambur, red deer, white-tailed deer), guttural toad, and livestock (sheep, goat, deer, cattle, and horse).
Xcluder®-designed fences will also exclude chameleon, badgers, mink, red fox, squirrel, cane toads, snakes, snails, and many other terrestrial animals.
Custom designs
Custom design is a crucial element to ensure that pest exclusion can be achieved within budgets. We are able to employ our animal-behaviour and construction experience to adapt to meet the specific needs of customers.
We are always happy to discuss your project. Please contact us for further information.
Pest-proof fence designs
Xcluder® ‘All Pest’ fence
Xcluder® ‘Wairakei’ fence at the International Wairakei Golf Course, Taupo, New Zealand.This design has showcases the physical dimensions as our most common design the Xcluder® ‘All Pest’ fence. We design each fence to suit the clients requirements and can add alternative features if required. Examples of this design have been used recently at Brook Valley near Nelson, and the Otorohanga Kiwi House, in the Waikato.
Fence warranties
Xcluder® provides a warranty on fence workmanship and materials quality. We utilise a range of well-known materials in our fences that have recognised life expectancy and quality specifications.
We have designed our fences so that sections or materials can be replaced without having to completely strip large parts of a fence.
Xcluder® fence components
For a pest fence to be fully effective and for pest eradication to be achieved the constructed fence must be 100% effective at excluding all target pests around its entire perimeter. Waterways, drains, gates, and abutting fences must all be pest-proof. Xcluder® have designed, and developed water gates and fish passages, pedestrian gates, vehicle gates, automated gates, and electronic surveillance, (tested, and implemented various specialised components).